
Home Computer Repair

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Broken Computer At Home? We Troubleshoot, Repair PCs, Macs, & Laptops, Boise, ID

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It no longer takes a cutting-edge techie person to have a daily life that depends on a functioning computer. Well over half of U.S. households had an internet-capable computer in their homes at the time of the 2010 census, and that number is rising quickly (Source).

So what do you do when your home computer isn't working? What do you do when you can't access your electronic family calendar, pay your bills online, complete online school assignments, or register your child for t-ball?

You call Boise Computer Depot! Our PC repair experts can diagnose computer problems and either fix them or determine the most affordable way to get your household back in the digital realm (you might buy a new or refurbished computer or upgrade a hard drive or RAM in your existing computer).

Also, if your home computer happens to be a Mac, see our Mac (Apple) Computer Repair Page for more specific information.


Common Home & Consumer Technical Support for IT Questions & Problems

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When we do in-home or in-store technical support for the average consumer, some of the most common computer problems we address include:
  • Broken or slow internet connection
  • Hard drive failure (This may involve our Data Recovery Services.)
  • Computer won't start
  • Old, slow computer
  • Laptop is hot
  • Computer is noisy
  • Printer won't connect
  • The dreaded "Blue Screen of Death"
  • Monitor is broken 
  • Computer is frozen
  • And much more!
There's really no end to all of the variations of things that can slow down or break on a computer, and the technicians at Boise Computer Depot are experienced and skilled enough to assess the situation and give you honest options for PC repair solutions.

If fixing your computer as it is isn't an option, we offer affordable upgrade options for hard drives and RAM (computer memory) as well as choices for buying new or refurbished computers that will keep up with your life.
If your home computer is making it more difficult to do the things you need to do on a daily basis, reach out to Boise Computer Depot for expert PC repair. You can call (208) 602-6132 or contact us here. We would love to come to your home or welcome you to our store to repair your computer and get you on your way.
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